Hello Beautiful! We have talked about moisturizers and sunscreens and anti aging, but do you have a good daily facial skincare regime?

A good daily facial skincare regime is important in keeping good hygiene and helping to slow the looks of aging. Whether your skin type is dry, oily, Mediterranean or Nordic, the basic principles of skin care are the same. The difference lies in the details.
Here is a very simple breakdown what you should be doing to help your skin look the best it can.
For Dry Skin types:
In the morning,
1. Splash face with water or gently and lightly stroke with a cotton wool pad soaked with non-alcohol based toner.
2. Pat dry
3. Apply moisturizing daily sunscreen (minimum SPF 1 -20) to face and neck
At night, before bedtime,
1. Wash face and rinse-off, non-soap cleaner (milk or gel)
2. Pat dry
3. If using AHA or retinoid, apply now. Wait 10 minutes for active preparations to penetrate. Apply moisturizing / nourishing night cream to face
Normal Skin types:
In the morning,
1. Wash face with non -soap cleanser
2. Pat dry
3. Apply moisturizing daily sunscreen (minimum SPF 1 -20) to face and neck
At night, before bedtime,
1 Wash face and rinse-off, non-soap cleaner (milk or gel)
2 Pat dry
3 If using AHA or retinoid, apply now. Wait 10 minutes. If skin feels dry, apply moisturizing night cream
Combination Skin types:
In the morning,
1. Wash T-zone only with non-soap cleanser or remove nose, chin or forehead grease with a toner-soaked cotton-pad( one with low alcohol content is fine)
2. Pat dry
3. Apply oil-free daily sunscreen (minimum SPF 1 5 -30) and if needed, rich moisturizer, to any dry areas
At night, before bedtime,
1 Wash face and rinse-off, non-soap cleaner (milk or gel)
2. Pat dry
3. If using AHA or retinoid, apply now. Wait 10 minutes for active preparations to penetrate.
Oily Skin types:
In the morning,
1. Splash face with water or gently and lightly stroke with a cotton wool pad soaked with non-alcohol based toner.
2. Pat dry
3. Apply moisturizing daily sunscreen (minimum SPF 1 -20) to face and neck
At night, before bedtime,
1. Wash face with soap or oily skin specific non-soap cleaner
2. If necessary, use alcohol- based toner
3. Apply AHA or retinoid preparations
Hopefully, this simplifies skincare for some of you. Add more or remove some steps accordingly.
Stay Beautiful